Most of us that are involved in sales spend too much time chasing opportunities that aren’t’ significant enough to make a difference in sales results. The key is to move sales efforts to selecting higher-value targets. Targets could be defined as key ambassador’s, center’s of influence, conferences and the big one – current clients. Each should be evaluated to eliminate the “black hole” of wasted time. To win the dream clients/relationships it comes down to nurturing relationships. It’s imperative to pursue them over time, playing the long game.



  1. Who can help to produce massively better results?
  2. What clients/relationships/ambassadors have you longed to win but have never received any traction?
  3. Make a list of 10 dream clients/relationships/ambassadors and start with this goal to add value and get business in upcoming 12 months.
  4. List the Connectors/Referrer’s that can provide a warm introduction.

It’s imperative to build relationships and truly connecting with clients, relationships and ambassador’s to grow business. The best relationships always begin with one thing before you can claim the relationship – Creating Value.

Creating Value with a Nurture Toolkit:

Consider a systematic monthly or bi-weekly white papers or better yet a 2-3 minute monthly content-rich video. These are not sales pitches!

Case Studies – Client testimonials and specific challenges they were facing and explaining the results.

Weekly articles – Information articles can be from a magazine or web post sent with an enclosed personal note why you thought the information was important to them.

TED Talks Video’s

Action Item: Make a list of 12 tools that can send to connect with targeted clients/relationships. Send out one per month. Take 1 hour per week to send out from the toolkit:

Sales Athlete: Need energy and must manage time for fitness, decompress time.

Books: New ideas and innovations are found through horizontal thinking, taking and idea from one domain and moving it to another. This could involve linking up new things together. Read books and magazines every week. Focus on the weak areas, such as presentation skills, speaking skills, financial models, join a webinar or listen to a CD in off hours.

Goal: Read a book a month; get a list of 12 now!

Please email me if you want my Top 12 List of great books to add to your collection at
