About Wayne

Born and raised in the city of Pittsburgh, PA, I learned early on the power of books and being well read from my mom. It was just a mindset, when it doubt or not sure of the particular subject we ventured to the library to start researching. …Read More

Does beet juice actually improve endurance performance?

We have all heard about the health benefits of beets for years.  Simply, the concentrated beet juice increases blood nitrates.  Many athletes have been experiencing improved athletic performances and reduce blood pressure for years using the products. 

I figured why not test out this theory of improved endurance and see if it really impacts performance.    Most of the hype started from the cycling performance study at the University of Exeter, in England. 

“A study was done at the University of Exeter’s School of Sport and Health Sciences, using beet juice. The study looked at eight male cyclists consuming half a liter (500ml) of beet juice (approx. 2 cups), containing nearly 700 mg of naturally occurring nitrate, for six days. The control group with the placebo drank 500 ml of black currant cordial containing very minimal nitrates for the same amount of time.  The overall results after placebo testing showed the athletes in the beet juice group were able to go 16% longer, thus being able to improve performance with the same power but less energy.   Also, athletes used about 3% less oxygen during the workout while taking the beet juice.” Exeter July 1, 2011  

Additional studies:

1. “In another study, Australian researchers gave five professional female kayakers two 70 ml (2.4 ounces) shots of beet juice, each containing about 300 mg of nitrate, two hours before a test involving kayaking one-third of a mile. Compared with a placebo, the rowers who drank beet juice improved their performance by 1.7 percent.” Washington Post

2. “After many such experiments, mainly in runners and cyclists, researchers have concluded that nitrate supplementation lowers the oxygen demand of exercise and improves performance in endurance sports. They find that beet juice is most effective when drank two to three hours before exercise, and, in general, that 300 to 500 milligrams (500 mg is a bit more than two cups) of inorganic nitrate is enough to provide a 1 to 3 percent improvement in performance — significant enough to give a serious athlete a competitive edge. Solid vegetables, although they’re not generally used in such studies, can be effective, too; beetroot and spinach contain about 250 mg of nitrate per 3.5 ounces of produce.” Washington Post

Recently, I received another spam email ad about beet juice and finally decided to purchase one of the products that is being advertised quite heavily to the endurance racing space.  I planned on doing my own tests over several weeks with and without beet juice.    The product I have been using is called beetelite (black cherry flavor) – I am sure many of you might of heard of it as their marketing is everywhere.  There are plenty of beet juice products on the market and most advocate taking a serving from 30 minutes to up to 2-3 hours prior to the workout.   My testing would just be for cycling – 2 small scoops in 6 oz of water 30 minutes prior to the workout.  Surprisingly it tastes good!

From the outset,  I assumed that there was a significant placebo affect and my mind knew it was helping me.  I decided to test it over 4 weeks (with and without beet juice) especially with harder cycling efforts  – hill climb repeats (2x a week seated only hill repeat workout at 50 RPM’s).   

Overall the results were quite surprising and it clearly improves performance from my experience. Like every other nutritional drink or food touting amazing benefits, I was quite skeptical but it clearly worked well.  I would assume results differ for each individual.    What I noticed clearly with recording heart rate and overall climbing pace is that my heart rate was lower and my climbing times were slightly faster by taking the beet juice.  The most important item: I was able to perform many more repeats and never experienced the fatigue factor that normally comes after the first set of climbs.    It was comfortable climbing just under lactic threshold and the HR stayed about 5-6 beats lower on average when compared to the days of not taking the beet juice.  

The downside with many of the products is the cost, they are a bit expensive.   The only other option would be to consume a significant amount of beets or spinach!  There are many statistical analysis online that you can check out to see the various results with athletes. 

I am a believer and suggest you give it a personal test!

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The Top 7 Ultra Cycling Injuries and Issues

This is for those of you who are considering ultra distance cycling. Injuries and health issues that may come up when doing and ultra distance cycling particularly a self-supported one.

Quick Breakdown:
1. Saddle Sores
2. Hand Numbness
3. Knee Pain
4. Neck Issues – Shermer’s Neck
5. Road Rashes/Crashes
6. Achilles Tendon
7. Sun Burn

Listed to the audio to learn my recommendations on how to avoid and incorporate solutions/options to these Ultra Cycling Injuries and Issues.

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Mental training is a topic that we hear continuously in racing, but it continues to be a “hole” in many training plans. It’s one thing to talk about mental training and completely different to actually build a mental training plan and practice it DAILY – just like a physical training plan.

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Who Is In Your Corner? A Birthday Wish to my Greek Queen – Evania

Happy Birthday, Evania! Most know my wife as Jan or Janice, however, the root of her Greek name means Goodness and Peaceful.

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1 Simple Sales Question to Ask Customers in Final 60 days of 2016

Build momentum into 2017 by asking your top 3 customers what it would take to get an incremental increase in business within your specialty. Ask about what your competitors are doing and how you can assist for a small percentage of increased business.

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1263 Training Hours Top 10 Ideas for Tracking in 2020

“What gets measured gets managed.” Peter Drucker

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15 Creative Ways to Enhance Gratefulness

“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” -Lao Tzu
It’s interesting to see what buzz words trend in business and life from time to time. The current trending work of being grateful seems to be everywhere. There are more book and blogs coming out daily about being grateful and thankful. Remember, being grateful is expressing appreciation outwardly and being thankful is more inward.

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2016 Calendar Tour in 4 Steps Adjust, Revamp, Retool for 2017

As we all roll into the New Year, consider taking a tour of your 2016 calendar and build a +- Review Sheet. It may offer insights to what to do more of and less of in 2017 to keep your emotions in check.

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2016 – Fearless Exploration and Accountability Goals

We all know it’s that time of the year as everyone is talking about 2016 and new goals, challenges, etc. Consider spending some time over the next few days to examine what went according to plan and what did not.

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2018 Tour Divide Thoughts, Highlights and Differences From Trans Am Bike Race

It’s been two weeks since the finish of one of the hardest endurance events in my career – The Tour Divide and its finally starting to sink in. I have reflected of the month long journey and the following highlights might offer some insights to the event if you are considering it in the future. As many of you know, I don’t write detailed race reports, but shorter summaries of the learning lessons so you can use some ideas and of course not make the same mistakes as me! I will never forget this brutal event as it was my 3rd 30-day endurance race (Triple DECA Ironman, Trans Am and Tour Divide) and it offered plenty of surprises and challenges along the way.

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5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Scrubbing Your CRM System

The almighty CRM (customer relationship management) system is the hub of client and prospect information for most businesses. There are numerous CRM systems used by individuals and organizations including SalesForce, Infusionsoft, Hubspot, Insightly, Zoho, Pipedrive, PipelineDeals, etc. The number of CRM systems continues to trend upward especially with inbound marketing becoming more and more prevalent.

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5 Results of Controversy in Your Business for 2016

Creating controversy in your business, passions, life, and impact on the world will get you noticed – that’s a certainty. There are advantages and disadvantages but speaking your voice and asking the question “Why?” may offer breakthroughs in your business and thinking mindset.

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5 Tips for Preparing for the DECAMANUSA – 1 Ironman per day format

The challenges in the 1×10 and 1×5 DECA have well been documented by athletes over the years that have finished this event. The format of one Ironman per day with a 24 hour time cutoff on the surface does not sound that bad.

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A Reading Life Thanks Mom – Books on my 2019 Starting List

A big thanks to my Mom for instilling the power of books into my life from an early age. I remember vividly all the trips to the library and then to the bookstores when shopping malls were the rage. Spending hours in Dalton, Walden, Borders and a host of small independent bookstores were memories that will not be forgotten. An ongoing joke between my Greek wife (Jan) and me is this: I went to bookstores/libraries as a child and Jan went to grocery stores and farmers markets!

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Achieving Goals: It’s Never Too Late To Get Started

It’s March, how are your new year’s resolutions coming along?

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Are Your Business Sales Lagging? Evaluate your Questions

How is your year coming along with regards to your top line revenue? If you are a business owner or sales professional and your sales are dragging, consider what questions you are asking. More important, have you perfected the “pause” while listening.

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How were your business sales last year? If you are a business owner or sales professional and your sales are dragging, consider what questions you are asking. More important, have you perfected the “pause” while listening.

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The Branding Pyramid and 21 Brand Monitoring Ideas

The Branding Pyramid and 21 Brand Monitoring Ideas

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Business Diversification

“For me, building a business is all about doing something to be proud of, bringing talented people together and creating something that’s going to make […]

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Career Insurance – Multiple Income Sources

With the changing marketplace that seems to move in multiple directions by the minute in our 24/7 consumer driven marketplace, considering career insurance just like any other insurance should be part of your life risk management plan. Career insurance comes down to having a contingency plan and specific additional income stream(s), (3-6 months of emergency cash on hand as well) to protect in the event of a loss of employment. Don’t get caught in a panic state, in the event of a job loss. Consider the pros and cons of a side business that “ you own”, compared to your employer owning you. Jack Welch’s famous quote states it perfectly, “Control Your Own Destiny or Someone Else Will”.

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“There is no typical week. Every week is an interesting challenge to fit in as much training as I can into a packed schedule that gives top priority to work and family. Nowadays, I can afford only an average of 9 hours per week for training. I used to train up to an average of 15 hours per week. To make those fewer hours count, I had to drastically modify my training intensity and periodization in order to get the most out of the meager time I can afford.” Harm Wei

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Be Concise with your Next Speech and Procrastinate

If you have an upcoming presentation, investor pitch, platform talk or round table, consider redrafting your talk to make it much shorter and concise. Yes this is common sense, but it’s very difficult to do. If your allotted speaking time is for 10 minutes, draft your presentation to be completed in 4 minutes.

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Are you considering starting a business in 2016?

The question so many individuals contemplate at this time of the year, “Should I climb the mountain to become an entrepreneur?” – picture above is from Mt. Cotopaxi, Ecuador summit at 19,347 feet – June, 2015.

The end of the year brings reflection and deep thinking toward an establishment of some parameters and goals for 2016. Planning too far in advance become as hinderance for many as the world changes so quickly, so consider some short term 3,6,9 month goals for 2016 and really go aggressively toward the target. Self accountability is imperative for making it happen.

The short term journey of success or failure will provide plenty of life long value and lessons. I have failed many times and still remember back when we entered the retail space of tuxedo rentals! – too long of a story but will mention the learning lessons in future posts.

Consider all the entrepreneurial possibilities, risks, failure potential and most important what I call “The Scared Factor”. Analysis/Paralysis can take over so often before taking a jump on your own. This happened to me many years ago then finally and intentionally I asked myself the question we all know so well “What is the worst that can happen?”. Forget about financial concerns, being scared, etc. you probably will not die.

Working for yourself and building a team is extremely difficult – NO QUESTION about it! If anyone tells you something different then it’s just B.S. You will make a ton of mistakes trust me. You can read everything imaginable on being an entrepreneur and you will still fail on certain aspects of your business. However, there is nothing like the feeling of actually taking a risk, going in with some due diligence (quantitative and qualitative) and believing 100% in yourself that you can make A Sale! That’s it and intentionally adding value to people and build it over time through gradual progression.

Remember more than anything else, selling is the number one thing in the business. Without a sale it’s just a great idea and a hobby.

The video of me – the bald guy, is related to endurance sports athletes but has cross over benefits for those of you considering starting a business. You don’t need 10,000 hours of expertise to start a business or be considered an expert, you don’t need to have the most innovative product imaginable, you don’t need to completely disrupt the market – just create value to an individual and see where it leads – with a simple 2 page business plan!You Don’t Need 10,000 Hours

I love hearing from entrepreneurs and if you need ideas please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

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Control Obsessed Entrepreneurs – Delegate or Die

If you are a business owner or manage teams have you thought about what you will do for growth of your business and team this year? After reading a book titled Bluefishing by Steve Sims, the following resonated and might with you.

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Creativity, Passion Won’t Pay The Rent – 5 Business Tips for Creative Folks

The concept of transforming a creative idea toward a real business is the goal for so many up and coming entrepreneurs and dreamers. Creativity is defined as, the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Creativity, while a key asset in a business does not necessarily guarantee success.

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Dale Carnegie’s Sales Idea – It Works

Dale Carnegie was considered the authority in building relationships when he originally wrote How To Win Friends & Influence People in 1936. It has sold more than 15 million copies worldwide and a book that I read every single year in January. My copy is well read to say the least – if anything it’s a common sense reminder to focus on building “real” two-way relationships and sincerely being interested in other people.

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Did You DARE Yourself in 2016? 21 Books & 10 Podcasts – Happy Holidays!

As the year of 2016 comes to a close and you are perhaps doing a bit of self- reflecting, ask yourself: did you DARE yourself with action or just dream about it? I wonder how many new entrepreneurs started to launch their ideas into a real business with sales as I wrote about December, 2015.

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DECA Budget Estimator – Plan for the financial cost of the DECA ahead of time

Like any event, the overall DECA race costs should be evaluated and consolidated into a budget. Many times, the race excitement overtakes the financial reality and rough estimates of the cost to participate in a long event like the DECA. Over the years, coaching and advising athletes with respect to the DECA, one of the major missteps is that athletes don’t fully understand what everything will cost with the DECA. The DECA is significantly less expensive compared to races like Ultraman, Race Across America, climbing Mt. Everest, swimming the English Channel and other multi-day events.

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DECA IRON – 1X10 Format – Can you finish it?

The DECA Iron 1×10 race (Ironman per day format – 10 days in a row) is completely different event than the classic (continuous) DECA with respect to what it takes to finish. On the surface, it does not seem difficult to make a 24 hour cutoff time for each Ironman for 10 days. However it’s surprising how quickly the time limit goes by when you experience a day when everything does not go according to plan (sickness, injury, exhaustion, mental fatigue lap after lap). Several consecutive 17 hour days will leave the athlete with 4 hours or less of actual sleep time.

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Despite Business World Insistence on Specialization – Expert Generalists Will be at The Top

A big challenge for many businesses is recruiting top talent to fill specific needs and skill sets. As the technology industry and global economy continue to change by the day, recruitment of talent for many organizations is focused on very specialized skills. This is evident with technology software engineers (very deep skills in one area) but we have seen a shift to broader knowledge base.

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Do You REALLY Know Who Your Best Customers Are?

It’s the question, we all think we can pinpoint in a second, my best customer is?

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Does beet juice actually improve endurance performance?

We have all heard about the health benefits of beets for years.  Simply, the concentrated beet juice increases blood nitrates.  Many athletes have been experiencing improved athletic performances and reduce blood pressure for years using the products. 

I figured why not test out this theory of improved endurance and see if it really impacts performance.    Most of the hype started from the cycling performance study at the University of Exeter, in England. 

“A study was done at the University of Exeter’s School of Sport and Health Sciences, using beet juice. The study looked at eight male cyclists consuming half a liter (500ml) of beet juice (approx. 2 cups), containing nearly 700 mg of naturally occurring nitrate, for six days. The control group with the placebo drank 500 ml of black currant cordial containing very minimal nitrates for the same amount of time.  The overall results after placebo testing showed the athletes in the beet juice group were able to go 16% longer, thus being able to improve performance with the same power but less energy.   Also, athletes used about 3% less oxygen during the workout while taking the beet juice.” Exeter July 1, 2011  

Additional studies:

1. “In another study, Australian researchers gave five professional female kayakers two 70 ml (2.4 ounces) shots of beet juice, each containing about 300 mg of nitrate, two hours before a test involving kayaking one-third of a mile. Compared with a placebo, the rowers who drank beet juice improved their performance by 1.7 percent.” Washington Post

2. “After many such experiments, mainly in runners and cyclists, researchers have concluded that nitrate supplementation lowers the oxygen demand of exercise and improves performance in endurance sports. They find that beet juice is most effective when drank two to three hours before exercise, and, in general, that 300 to 500 milligrams (500 mg is a bit more than two cups) of inorganic nitrate is enough to provide a 1 to 3 percent improvement in performance — significant enough to give a serious athlete a competitive edge. Solid vegetables, although they’re not generally used in such studies, can be effective, too; beetroot and spinach contain about 250 mg of nitrate per 3.5 ounces of produce.” Washington Post

Recently, I received another spam email ad about beet juice and finally decided to purchase one of the products that is being advertised quite heavily to the endurance racing space.  I planned on doing my own tests over several weeks with and without beet juice.    The product I have been using is called beetelite (black cherry flavor) – I am sure many of you might of heard of it as their marketing is everywhere.  There are plenty of beet juice products on the market and most advocate taking a serving from 30 minutes to up to 2-3 hours prior to the workout.   My testing would just be for cycling – 2 small scoops in 6 oz of water 30 minutes prior to the workout.  Surprisingly it tastes good!

From the outset,  I assumed that there was a significant placebo affect and my mind knew it was helping me.  I decided to test it over 4 weeks (with and without beet juice) especially with harder cycling efforts  – hill climb repeats (2x a week seated only hill repeat workout at 50 RPM’s).   

Overall the results were quite surprising and it clearly improves performance from my experience. Like every other nutritional drink or food touting amazing benefits, I was quite skeptical but it clearly worked well.  I would assume results differ for each individual.    What I noticed clearly with recording heart rate and overall climbing pace is that my heart rate was lower and my climbing times were slightly faster by taking the beet juice.  The most important item: I was able to perform many more repeats and never experienced the fatigue factor that normally comes after the first set of climbs.    It was comfortable climbing just under lactic threshold and the HR stayed about 5-6 beats lower on average when compared to the days of not taking the beet juice.  

The downside with many of the products is the cost, they are a bit expensive.   The only other option would be to consume a significant amount of beets or spinach!  There are many statistical analysis online that you can check out to see the various results with athletes. 

I am a believer and suggest you give it a personal test!

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Eight Ultra Athletes Obtain Guinness World Record After Completing Italy’s 30 x Ironman

On September 8, 2013, 21 competitors from 12 countries toed the line to compete in one of the world’s most epic experiences. So epic, according […]

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Entrepreneurial and Athlete P.I.S.C. – 4 Words For Real Change

“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Lao Tzu

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Entrepreneurial Journey – It’s Always About Making Sales Sales Focus = Sales Results

Most of us that are involved in sales spend too much time chasing opportunities that aren’t’ significant enough to make a difference in sales results. The key is to move sales efforts to selecting higher-value targets. Targets could be defined as key ambassador’s, center’s of influence, conferences and the big one – current clients. Each should be evaluated to eliminate the “black hole” of wasted time. To win the dream clients/relationships it comes down to nurturing relationships. It’s imperative to pursue them over time, playing the long game.

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Entrepreneurial Leaders, Share Your Own Words

If you are a business owner, one of the challenges is ensuring continuity of communications from leaders to the team and clients. A content messaging challenge for many business owners that I have worked with is having only team members (or outsourcing partners) write all the content for the company.

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Entrepreneurs have you read The Fountainhead lately?

The classic book by Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead written in 1943 offers many insights to entrepreneurship through it’s main character – the brilliant architect, Howard Roark. If you have not read it, consider adding to your reading list. Fair warning, it’s a big book in size (similar to Atlas Shrugged).

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Entrepreneurs – Weekend – What’s That? Top 5 Entrepreneurship Reminders

Recently, I was speaking with a good friend who was considering leaving his long-term employer (financial services industry) and starting a business around his life passion of wine. He has become quite the expert in the space and has a unique idea centered on education and an online inventory platform. From a 10,000-foot viewpoint his concept appears to offer value to the market and he has a following of fans that love his content within this wide space of the wine industry.

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Entrepreneurs – What Wakes You Up in the Morning? It’s Probably Not Thinking of Writing a Book!

Entrepreneurs in most cases should not write a book just for promoting his or her business. Many authors may disagree – but in most cases books won’t generate sales of the core business compared to spending time with existing customers and new prospects. An entrepreneur (especially before making a profit) should not have time to write a book, but after success or failures many will write books to offer insights to the next generation of entrepreneurs. A few recent examples include Jeff Bezos – Amazon founder, Tony Hsieh – Zappos founder and Howard Schultz –Starbucks leader.

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EverEST Bike Challenge Perspectives

The Everesting Challenge is an intriguing idea for those of you who want to do “your own” long endurance event. The history of the idea and rules can all be found at http://www.everesting.cc/the-rules/. The rules are quite simple, find a hill and ride up and down it for as long as it takes to complete 29,029 feet or 8,848 meters of elevation gain.

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Exciting Times Coming in 2017 for Ultra Triathletes

As the year comes to a close, I wish all of you the very best holiday season with your family and friends. I hope you were able to achieve your fitness, racing and life goals in 2016. If not let me know and I will offer some ideas and suggestions for 2017!

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Failure and the Path to Success

Guest blog post by Jim Harshaw.

In the fall of 2012, I pulled the plug on my business.

I labored at it for years but it was now clear that it would fail. It was a terrible feeling. Like years of time and money have been wasted.

I’ve felt that feeling before.

It was March 20, 1998. In front of 14,000 fans at the Convocation Center in Cleveland Ohio, I failed to reach my goal of becoming a Division I All American. Years of time and money that had been invested felt like they’d been wasted. I found myself in the locker room, my face buried in a towel in tears wondering why I can’t do this. “What’s wrong with me?,” I thought. “I couldn’t possibly have worked any harder. I couldn’t have run more miles or lifted more weights or watched more film. There weren’t enough hours in the day.”

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What’s Your Accountant Doing for Your Company? – Top 10 Questions to Discuss With the Up Coming Sept. 15th Tax Filing Deadline

September 15th is the time of the year that US corporate tax payers rush to get the final numbers to their accountants for the filing deadline (assuming they extended the returns with the automatic 6 month extension – IRS form 7004). It’s similar to the stress of April 15th individual tax filing deadlines. In many cases owners never fully analyze and disseminate the information from the corporate P&L and the corresponding tax return.

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Final Qtr. 2017 – Top 5 ITEMS for Fall Business Planning

As we start the final quarter of the year, it’s the fall and for many business owners this is a busy time of the year for the final year end push. Maybe your business is seasonal with respect to your revenue flows – ex: tax consulting company, landscape business, medicare health insurance broker and retail establishments which all have extremely busy times then relax and recover syndrome may occur for many business owners. As you come to your “winter” or slower season what you have done in the fall (or prior season) will have impact during your lower revenue months. One thing is certain in any business – Winter Always Comes.

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Finishing the DECA Ironman is Similar to Being an Entrepreneur

The DECA Ironman is a race, journey and experience similar to the daily, weekly and yearly grind of being an entrepreneur. For clarification, the DECA Ironman (my favorite endurance sporting event) is an ultra distance triathlon consisting of 10 Ironman races. The length of each of the 3 triathlon disciplines is as follows: 24 mile swim, 1120 mile bike, 262 mile run – the equivalent of 10 Ironman races.

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Great Leaders are Great Speakers and Great Readers

As and entrepreneur and mentoring many business owners over the years, one of the biggest hurdles I hear time and again is building a great team. Finding exceptional talent is difficult in times of recessions and growing economic cycles (it’s the same challenge). Ask most business owners and it’s always on their radar – the search for great people. If you are a parent it should be an area we should teach our children (speaking and reading) – but it’s lower on the radar.

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Guiness World Record Triathlon race report: 30 Ironman races in a row

“A little more than two weeks ago, I finished the Triple DECA Ironman race in Lake Garda, Italy,( first time it was ever held and […]

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Heat Acclimation, 6 Tips and Strategies– Ultra Endurance Races

How do you get ready for the extreme dry heat of the desert or intense humidity in a multiple day ultra endurance race? This type of training is extreme and make sure you start short, maybe 5 minutes! Please implement a process of gradual progression all of these techniques.

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Home Office – Top 5 Simple Tips for Productivity

Do you have a home office? It does not matter if you are an entrepreneur, work in your pajamas technology employee or 1099 subcontractor, setting up your home office correctly is important, but making sure that the home office does not run your life in many cases, is the bigger challenge.

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How To Do a Digital Detox

The term digital detox continues to be discussed every year as a must do activity especially as everything we do in life becomes more and more connected. We are evolving into the Jetsons world (the TV series). Ask yourself the following question, “How many people do you know that don’t have a smart phone?

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How To Shake-Up Your Career

Unlike 30-40 years ago, as our parents and grandparents stayed at one job forever, the trends have clearly changed especially with the new exciting creativity and disruption mentality of so many millennial. When was the last time you looked at your career path and did a deep dive evaluation? It’s just like looking down a road or path.

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How to taper for a Multi Day Race simply

One thing that’s guaranteed in the world of multi sport endurance racing is that there is no single taper that works for everyone. There are so many theories on tapering for an event and personally I have tried at least 10 different approaches to tapering over the last 30 years.

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Athletes, Business leaders, Consultants, Teachers, and Entrepreneurs How To Write Your Book & Actually Sell To Make a Profit

There is a big difference of writing a book, selling it and making a profit vs. just selling and earning top-line income. I have learned through writing my three books a myriad of lessons – good and bad. I have experienced many ups and downs from publishers, editors, marketing, PR firms, hybrid, printers, graphic design companies, lawyers, web developers, etc.

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I Don’t Train” Trend in Ultra Endurance Racing”

Wow, have things changed since the days of training intensely to building to a key ultra endurance race. As I hear over and over again, many athletes just winging it and sign up for ultra events with no training, I still wonder why? Save the entry fee, travel and race budget and just do it on your own. However, the missing ingredient with the “do it on your own journeys”, there is no personal interaction and hyped up race environment. Clearly the personal interaction from the ultra family space of a race atmosphere attracts many athletes and maybe it’s because of our lack of face to face connection in the world we live in.

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If You Want to Be Your Own Boss, Go Outside on a 30 Day Journey – Top 5 Business Lesson Takeaways

Over the past 15 years, I have consulted and coached new entrepreneurs, who were considering leaving the paycheck comfort of a salary job to becoming […]

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Information Improves Customer Relationships

Your Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) is one of the most important items in any business (as well as with personal contacts).

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It All Begins at 4AM!

It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.” – Aristotle

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It’s All About The Deca – Personal Learning Lessons of DecA #1 – Book Excerpts

One key goal in my 4th upcoming book was to share some of my personal stories, learning experiences and lessons from other athletes. All of my past insane stories are covered in live presentations, but I have often forgot to include in the books. The books have been centered around the race, history and the athletes and not a personal day by day account of my race. However, there will be plenty in It’s All About The Deca. You will love the The DECA Tool Kit in the book.

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It’s Ok to Celebrate and Reflect

“It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.” – Edmund Hillary

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Live Like A Hobo

One of the great life benefits of doing a long journey on your own without the assistance friends or family, is that you learn to improvise and build resourcefulness that will cross over to your entire life. Living like a hobo (which requires work while traveling to a destination) is what happens when you go on an unsupported journey with the least amount of resources available (hopefully minus the begging!)

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Local Man Competes In Triathlon Every Day For 30 Days

(Photo Credit: Brenda Waters/KDKA)

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) –A local man has completed a sports event that most of us get winded just thinking about.

He competed in a triathlon every day for 30 days.

This is a story about a man, an iron man, three times over. For 46-year-old Wayne Kurtz, it happened in Lake Garda, Italy. It began Sunday Sept. 8 and ended Monday Oct. 7.

KDKA’s Brenda Waters: “You swam 2.4 miles every day for 30 days? Correct? You biked 112 miles every day for 30 days? Right? And you ran a marathon every day for 30 days? Correct?”

It sounds impossible. A triathlon every day for 30 days, but Kurtz, an investment company executive, did just that.

“Every day at 7:45 a.m. we showed up at the pool. The gun fired, the race lasted anywhere between 11 hours for the day up to over 20 hours for the day, depending on what happened,” said Kurtz.

A lot happened – bruises, blisters, shin injuries, soreness and don’t forget the bike crashes.

Kurtz, who is in great physical shape and works out daily, says the race was 30 percent physical and 70 percent mental.


The key was to stay in the moment, focusing on one event and one day at a time.

“My mantra going in was there was no option of not finishing,” Kurtz said.

And finish he did.

Twenty men and one woman began the race, eight men finished. Kurtz was the sixth to cross the finish line.

He was about 30 pounds thinner, and there was no prize money; just the gratification of knowing he did it.

This was a first event and it has already been submitted for the Guinness Book of World Records.

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Man Commits To Running On Treadmill Upon Start Of Pittsburgh Marathon

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — A local man may be exhausted before he even begins this Sunday’s Pittsburgh Marathon. That’s because Wayne Kurtz of Wexford is running […]

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Man to Run 48 Hours, Then do Pittsburgh Marathon

Few runners will be more warmed up, or rather, exhausted, at the starting line of the Pittsburgh Marathon than Wayne Kurtz. At 6:30 a.m. race […]

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McCandless athlete Wayne Kurtz: more than 300 triathlons and other races in 27 years

The world’s most celebrated triathlon is the Ironman in Hawaii — a 2.4-mile ocean swim, a 112-mile bike ride and a full marathon run (26.2 […]

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Mindfulness is the key to staying in the present

I have read a few books on Mindfulness and seen that there are potential solution for keeping a balance to my hectic life. While perusing through the magazine rack at Whole Foods, I came across a new magazine titled Mindfulness. It’s well worth checking out and offers content rich articles related to techniques, examples and building a personal mindfulness practice.

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As we approach the year-end ultra triathlon-racing season with DECAMANUSA (along with all the other major ultra endurance events), one thing we can guarantee that will happen, is DRAMA. Each athlete deals with adversity and corresponding DRAMA differently, but make sure your event does not end like a Greek tragedy.

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My Favorite Books of 2019

“Reading a good book is like taking a journey.”  Emma Gulliford

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Need To Feel Better – Start a Gratitude Journal Top 20 Ideas

The concept of keeping a regular gratitude journal has been around a long time, so it’s nothing that new, but have you considered a regular practice into your normal daily routine. The one benefit by keeping a Gratitude Journal is that you will become more positive.

Personally, when things don’t go according to plan and I feel down, get stuck, too much negative noise, I go back to adding journal entries related to gratitude. Gratitude journaling improves my mood and relaxes my mind.

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Nothing Better Than A First Time Event – Inagural Bike Non Stop US 3400 mile bike race

When our friend Nathan Jones (Race Director of the Trans Am Bike Race) sent out an email early this year about a new route including gravel across the US, my mind immediately went to planning stage. The attractions were it was a new route, riding across the US meeting amazing Americans in small town USA and specifically joining along for the inaugural race.

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To Outsource or Not To Outsource – Dilemma

Outsourcing, the word so popular in the 1990’s and today everything is “disruption”. Two different things of course but have many crossovers to life and business.

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Be An Owner of Something Vs. Being Owned By Someone Grinding and Gigging

In the past two weeks, three close colleagues in the “big” corporate world sent the dreaded email to me – “Wayne, I wanted to reach out to see how you might be able to help with my next job search and contacts as my job was just eliminated?” Their roles were Chief Financial Officer, Chief Marketing Officer and VP Sales (Pharma, Manufacturing and Banking industries). Downsizing, slow business growth and wage costs were the reasons for their new job searches.

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Persistence Equals Personal Change

The one trait that can have immediate impact on your business and personal life is building in your mind, the drive of continuous persistence. As we have all heard, the mind can accomplish extraordinary things. Close the loop by building persistence into your daily routine.

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Personalized Participation Awards in Endurance Sports

Times have surely changed in this constant connection, self-promotion world that has evolved during the rapid growth of endurance racing. There is a positive aspect, making your race goal public will help with personal accountability (yes it adds pressure). However, the other side is a constant barrage of personal participation award related information.

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Post Season Reflections– Best Race Experience 2019 Part I 714 Miles of Bliss Across South Dakota

As the winter off-season training season begins, have you taken some time to think about the single best race experience you had during 2019? I did not say the best race performance, but race experience (they may be synonymous). Also, what excites you for 2020? Is there one race that you can’t wait to do? This will be covered in the Part II post.

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Post Season Reflections– Most Excited Races for 2020 Part II The Brutal Quintuple in Wales

Following up to the previous blog last week, regarding the best race experience reflection you had in 2019, now consider a pivot to what’s on your schedule for 2020. Which event stands out from the all the others. It may be the A race or a secondary event, but what uniqueness or experience are you looking forward to above all the events or adventures.

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We are happy to announce some of the exciting news of events that are in the works for the ultra endurance world. 

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Quintuple Iron – Sleep Tactics

As a follow up to the Quintuple Iron training tips many of you have asked for specific advice related to sleep strategies for the race. The following guidelines might assist with your race planning.

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Quintuple Tips and Ideas

To all our quintuple athletes for DECAMAN USA, here are some race tips and ideas!

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Race Planning – Trans Am Tri 28-Days: Ideas and Plan

Similar to any race with a time cutoff, it’s helpful to craft a plan by breaking it down to the specific time targets and distances needed per day to make the cutoff. It’s a common sense, right?

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Read Faster and Retain More – 7 Quick Steps for Speed

If you read 100 -150 books in a year and it will change your life. I read typically 100 books a year and plan on 150 this year, which is a stretch goal for sure. Include a mix of topics, genres and if you are a non-fiction only reader consider deep diving into a novel and you might be surprised.

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Read What You Want Not What Your Supposed to 21 Book Favorites of 2017

It’s the time of the year for the best books to read and must read lists are published everywhere. How many times have you read a New York Times best seller and were disappointed and wondered how could the book be so loved by everyone.

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Salary Comfort vs. Ownership: 10 Considerations To Jumping to the Entrepreneur World

The great business philosopher, Jim Rohn said it best, “Profits are better than wages. Wages make you a living. Profits make you a fortune.”

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Scripting and Rehearsing Your Message

One of the most important skills in life is to clearly communicate a message. It could be in social settings, business presentations, speaking in front of group, sales pitch or a new job interview. The challenge is to keep it to the point with a clear simple message.

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Self Management Not Just Time Management for 2016

Productivity and time management continue to be topics discussed non-stop through forums, google searches and DIY Youtube video’s. There is very little new in the […]

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Shocking Financial Advisor Recommendations & 5 tax planning tips for Entrepreneurs

For those living in the U.S, it’s tax time. For over 20 years owning and growing our tax consulting and preparation companies, it’s always a stressful time not only for our team but also for clients. To almost everyone is just misery.

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Sign Up for the Release Information of “It’s All About the DECA”

One key goal in my 4th upcoming book was to share some of my personal stories, learning experiences and lessons from other athletes. All of my past insane stories are covered in live presentations, but I have often forgot to include in the books. The books have been centered around the race, history and the athletes and not a personal day by day account of my race. However, there will be plenty in It’s All About The Deca. You will love the The DECA Tool Kit in the book.

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Sleep Deprivation for the DECA or multi day race – You Don’t Need as Much as You Think

Sleep deprivation and staying in the “safe-zone” is always a concern with athletes completing in long multi-day (5+ days and longer) events. How often do we hear that it’s a fine line – if you go to far into a sleep deprived state, its very difficult to recover and keep pushing throughout the race before a meltdown.

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Become a Better Presenter, Writer, Salesperson by STANDING UP

As the business world has evolved to more discussions around the health benefits of standing with the stand up desk station and sitting in front of the computer classified as the “New Smoking”, have you considered how standing up can help your presentations, writing and sales results, beyond the health benefits? “New research from Texas A&M University showed a 46% increase in worker productivity by standing up.”, IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors. They looked at two control groups for 6 months and productivity was measured by how many successful calls each group made from stand up desks vs. sitting.

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TAX Season Final Week – Riding Fun and Top 5 Challenges

For those of you who are accountants or tax preparers, this is “hell week”. Hopefully, you have completed your tax returns or have a good idea of what payment to send along with your extensions. The week will be a blur for those of you in the profession and after 25 years doing tax work, it seems like the weekend will never arrive. Keep in mind, April 18th is the last day to file this year.

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Teach Your Child to Read, Speak and Lead

Combined with the 4,400 mile 2016 Trans Am Bike Race that Wayne Kurtz will compete June, 2016, he will launch a FREE Kid’s public speaking training program through his non-profit organization, (Run For Books, Inc.) to schools located in the states he will travel. The goal is to train 4,400 kids (1st-8th grade) how to overcome fear, taking risks and learning how to speak to a group effectively. Plenty of fun/functionality – video, in person training and accountability program. Helping our future leaders to learn the important skills of reading and speaking. For more information for you schools, contact wayne@chiefgoalsofficer.com

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Texting and Connecting with Your Customers

The common customer communication practice after a meeting is to follow up by phone call or email. However, with the growing trend of business (not just personal) texting, with the simplicity and exceptional open rate results, more companies are including it as part of their overall marketing plan. Sending a photo with the text when thinking of a customer can provide better overall connection and personalization.

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The Age Challenge – 1 X Per Month

This was a birthday challenge that I did this year and it was challenging and fun. It might be an intriguing challenge to consider or do 1 x per month. This could be something you test out on your birthday or any other day based upon your age.

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The Power of A Hand Gesture – Wave Hello For 30 Days

As we roll into the fall here in the US, it’s always of time for the last push toward year end with the kids back in school, vacations ending and a refocus of getting business results finalized before year end. Something you might notice in your community is that with everyone back to the normal routine (post vacation/summer) many individuals are walking their pups, biking (more concentrated rush hour traffic) and enjoying the cooler fall weather outside.

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The Power of H2O

As athletes, moms, dads and driven focused personalities we often forget the benefits of daily water intake. Yes, it’s repetition of a message we hear all the time “drink more water during the day and you will feel better.

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The SIMPLE Magic of a 3×5 Index Card

Great Leaders are Great Speakers. Have you ever considered writing down a few keywords on 3×5 index cards to trigger memories of your great stories? I find this to be very effective in business and as many of my colleagues know, I always have index cards with me (and laminated)! Many of my laminated goal cards will just include a picture only and no text.

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The Top 7 Ultra Cycling Injuries and Issues

This is for those of you who are considering ultra distance cycling. Injuries and health issues that may come up when doing and ultra distance cycling particularly a self-supported one.

Quick Breakdown:
1. Saddle Sores
2. Hand Numbness
3. Knee Pain
4. Neck Issues – Shermer’s Neck
5. Road Rashes/Crashes
6. Achilles Tendon
7. Sun Burn

Listed to the audio to learn my recommendations on how to avoid and incorporate solutions/options to these Ultra Cycling Injuries and Issues.

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The Two Words, “What if?”

The simple question, two words that if said separately don’t have much power. Combining them to “What if “might create fear, failure, the worst outcomes, but on the other side it may open success in the power of your thoughts. If you are a business owner, mother, father, student, investor or athlete, what affect could asking these simple words have on you and your daily interactions?

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The Yips – Entrepreneur Anxiety and Time to Get Back In the Zone

Getting the Yips is most commonly associated with sports such as golf or baseball. As Wikipedia defines Yips: the loss of fine motor skills in athletes. The condition occurs suddenly and without apparent explanation usually in mature athletes with years of experience. It is poorly understood and has no known treatment or therapy. Athletes affected by the yips sometimes recover their ability, which may require a changing technique. Many are forced to abandon their sport at the highest level.

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The Zen Entrepreneur

Mindfulness, yoga, Zen – the buzz words we hear every day that we must do because of our over stimulated, hyper-connected, high stress world as a business owner. There are so many things going on at once in many cases as an entrepreneur and in many times its difficult to focus on one thing instead of capital requirements, marketing, sales, distribution, employee morale, financials,new partners, etc. all at once. One more thing to add to the endless list – Mindfulness. Can it really help your business?

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Be With Wayne in events

Let’s meet! events, seminars and races schedule – life success is always “about the people”… Read More

Run For Books

“It’s not just a Non-Profit, It’s FOR RESULTS”
Great Leaders are Great Speakers and Great Readers Children’s Program – Coming soon…Read More

Weekly reviews and insights about endurance racing throughout the world.

Endurance Racing Report spotlights longer distance endurance sports – cycling, running and triathlons.   Weekly content, (including video and audio) is focused on great races to check out, outside the norm mental and physical training ideas, nutrition, injury prevention tips and the benefits of strength training all with a continuous “Flow State”.  Perspectives of an endurance junkie racing around the world for over 30 years.

Endurance Racing Report